Who Am I?

Hello visitor, 

If you're reading this, I’m probably chasing after my toddler, trying to convince her to eat something other than cheese and watermelon. Gone are the days when I could sit quietly and binge-watch a TV show. Now, my life mostly consists of stopping my daughter from chasing my two cats. Otherwise, I’m out and about, talking to people. It’s one of my strengths—I'm a chatterbox. I can’t help it; I’m an extrovert. If I go too long without conversation, my energy takes a dive, and I find myself calling my mom for some comfort.

What is my mission?

My mission is to serve my community as an archivist, a journalist, a photographer, a storyteller, you name it.  I use my skills to find the heart of the story,  convey authenticity, intimacy and just show that I care. It's not an easy task, because it's all about the trust and relationship I build with the storyteller. It's always going to be the person's story, it's my job to help bring it to the world. 

Where do I live?

I live in Indianapolis, Indiana now, though I spent three years in Tennessee. And let me tell you—no one does BBQ better than Tennessee. Moving back to Indiana was all about being closer to family, and revisiting my hometown has brought back some sweet nostalgia. Trust me, I miss the famous brisket sandwiches and hot chicken.

Why am I photographer?

It all started with curiosity—I wanted to take beautiful pictures, but I didn’t know much about photojournalism. In high school, I admired photographers like James Nachtwey or Lynsey Addarioand I dreamed of capturing raw, powerful moments like they did.

As I grew older, I realized photojournalism is about more than just winning awards or taking pretty pictures. It's about people—their stories, the communities often overlooked, and the cultures in the shadows. It’s about sharing the resilience of those who’ve overcome hardship. The focus is on the people, not the accolades. I believe the best photographers understand that too.

How do you contact me? 

You can contact me at amador889@gmail.com or 317-727-4318.  

Or let's connect elsewhere: 

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